About the Book:
With humor and grace Guiltless Living proposes that when we are willing to be open and honest about our own struggles, God uses that openness to encourage others to do the same. An honest confession of what sin looks like will provoke deep thought and self-evaluation. "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy" (Proverbs 28:13). We drink deeply from the living waters of God's goodness and grace when we are willing to hand over our sins - the ones we would rather keep buried in our hearts. It is for this reason that God calls Christians to be real. The sooner we face the reality of our depravity, the sooner we will experience God's atonement for that depravity and enter into the freedom of guiltless living.
About the Author:
Ginger Hubbard, founder of Preparing the Way Ministries, is the author of "Don't Make Me Count to Three!" and "Wise Words for Moms." She is a contributing author to several books and many magazines. She has been interviewed on television and radio shows, including The 700 Club, The Harvest Show, Primary Focus, Family Life Today, Revive Our Hearts with and Focus on the Family Weekend Magazine. With transparency, humor and warmth Ginger communicates powerful truths from God s Word which bring insight and wisdom.
While Ginger enjoys reading, writing and spending time on Lake Martin with her husband Ronnie, her primary passion in life is to glorify God. Ginger is a veteran home schooling mom of two fabulous children and step-mom to two much adored sons. If you would like to learn more about the author, follow this link.
My Review: First of all, I loved this book. I also, like the author is judged constantly on the fact that I'm so transparent. Many times I'm judged just as harshly by fellow Christians than I am by those that are unsaved or non believing.The bluntness of the author to me is very refreshing. I enjoy her transparency, and the fact that she was willing to share it with us. She just shares what we all do privately or what we think and to me that is a good thing.
In the book, Guiltless Living, the author shows us through different experiences the way that we should act regarding our christian walk and basically how God would want us to respond to life's difficulties. We are called to help our fellow neighbors even if that means our comfort takes a back seat to the situation. The first chapter in the book describes a situation where the author definitely felt that she was placed out in the middle of nowhere and she shares her struggles with that. She was funny but ever so steady to point out to me where God needed to be inserted into the situation and taught her how it should of been handled.
I laughed as I read her reactions to her seemingly impossible situation of being on a speaking engagement that to her was the worst place in the world. Through Ginger's prophetic words, I learned about a term I had never really heard of before. Forbearance-an act of love and mercy that so completely covers wrongs committed against us that we truly forgive and forget. I have experienced times when I was able to do this very thing, but have never heard of the exact term.
Whenever we are faced with a difficult situation in which we want to respond negatively, we must remember this verse by Solomon--"Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it." Proverbs 11:27.
This is a great Bible study and if you are interested in purchasing it, you can at this link.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Cross Focused Reviews.
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