About the Book:
Bible Revival passionately explores why the Bible needs to be the single most important book in the Christian's life--and how to make it so. Unlike most books about the Bible, Berding digs deep to uncover the motivations and distractions that keep Christians from engaging with the Bible as richly as it can. But he does more than just point out the problems; he lovingly offers solutions in order to learn, value, understand, apply, obey, and speak the Bible.
About the Author:
Kenneth Berding is professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He is also an overseer at Whittier Hills Baptist Church in Whittier, CA. He is the author or co-editor of numerous articles and books, including Workbook in Romans: Arranged According to the History of Redemption, Sing and Learn New Testament Greek, What the New Testament Authors Really Cared About, Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, and What Are Spiritual Gifts? Rethinking the Conventional View.
My Review:
We are starving ourselves, literally death by not doing as our ancestors once did, and meditate on the word of God almost minute by minute each day. In our daily world times, trends, and technology have taken the place of daily Bible reading, we are just simply too busy to make it a priority. As the author points out that in our day and time many people find that the Bible is no longer sufficient or that it lacks clarity. I know in my household the reason we don't meditate on it fully is because it is not made a priority. The responsibility falls squarely on our shoulders.
I for one, get up every morning and read my devotional&a chapter out of my Bible. If I don't do this at least 5 days a week, I feel like I have been disobedient. In Bible Revival, the author points out what he feels is the reason for our disengagement and shows us how to overcome something that will only hurt us in the end. Along with questions at the end of most chapters these are questions to help you go over the material and contemplate the message. Reading our Bible shouldn't be drudgery work that seems like it will never end. It should be a time of living, learning and an enjoyable time to spend with our Savior.
**Disclosure** This was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Cross Focused Reviews.
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