About the Book:
Are you and your favorite teenager having too many conversations like this?
""How was school?""
""Soccer practice?""
""Same as always.""
""Anything interesting happen today?""
""Nice talking with you!"
Let's face it. Teenagers have a PhD in one-word answers . . . if we don't ask the right questions.
In this book, veteran youth expert Jonathan McKee shares 180 creative discussion starters to help teens open up about issues that matter. You'll also find tips for interpreting their responses and follow-up questions. From light-hearted to more serious, these conversation springboards will encourage even the most reluctant teen to talk about friends, school, values, struggles, and much more.
About the Author:
Jonathan McKee is an expert on youth culture and the author of more than a dozen books, including The Guy's Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket and The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers. He has twenty years of youth-ministry experience and speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. He also writes about parenting and youth culture while providing free resources at TheSource4Parents.com. Jonathan, his wife, Lori, and their three kids live in California.
My Review:
I have a 16 year old and by now I have learned that they do indeed answer you with very little feedback from their day. It is so frustrating getting a straight answer from my teenager, so I totally understand the need for this book. The mastermind behind this book entitles Get Your Teenager Talking---author Jonathan McKee gives us 180 very creative, very different conversation starters to guide us through the impossible task of conversational dialogue with our teenagers.
Many of the tips he gives you in the book I have definitely found to be the right way to go such as never ask yes or no type questions or don't ask dull questions. You have known these children for a long time and just as toddler have an attention span of about 5 minutes so does the typical teenager, they don't want to talk more than they have to. Each conversation starter begins with a statement or question then the author has listed several follow up questions and many additions that can be added to further enrich the talk with your teen. This book contains simple yet perfect conversation starters for any teen/adult conversation.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Bethany House.
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