About the Book:
Your fool-proof guide to paying off debt, planning for the future, and breaking free of our debt-loving culture.
About the Author:
Mary Hunt is the award-winning and bestselling author of more than 23 books, as well as a sought-after motivational speaker who helps men and women battle debt. She is founder and publisher of Debt-Proof Living, a highly regarded and popular consumer organization consisting of an interactive website, monthly newsletter and personal finance tools. Hunt's books have sold more than one million copies, and her syndicated daily newspaper column is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of Everyday Cheapskate readers nationwide. She speaks widely on consumer finance topics and has appeared on shows such as The Today Show, Oprah, Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, Fox and Friends and Focus on the Family. She and her husband live in Southern California.
My Review:
Since 2008, we as a country has been under some heavy jeopardy regarding our debt and how to remain out of it. The book Debt-Proof Living: How To Get Out of Debt&Stay That Way, has been updated and released again to update us on our current status in this country and to hopefully shed some light on how to live debt free in a world that seems debt controlled at best. Mary Hunt had found herself, many years ago, under a mountain of debt and she shares with us how to be debt free and stay that way.
The author states in the book..."we need to see money not as power or prestige but as provision--God's provision for our physical and material needs." It is hard to stay out of debt these days, we have to charge groceries to our credit cards just to feed our kids sometimes---that's just terrible. The author outlines many things to help us get real with our debt situation and she shows us how to get rid of it and stay rid of it, in a manageable way. God doesn't want us to be in debt, its not healthy. You should be covering your credit card debt each month instead of letting it carry over month to month.
The author gives advice on many money situations you may find yourself in such as credit card debt, mortgage debt, student loan debt--she has all your bases covered. The main part of her book that I was interested in was the part on paying your mortgage off early. I decided that I am going to pay some extra on my payment each month to try and get the principal paid off sooner. Great book, Great tips!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Revell.
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