About the Book:
In Too Loved to Be Lost, you'll find simple, practical steps for healing, refreshment, and revitalization of spirit, body, and faith. Whether you're struggling with issues related to trust, depression, patience, relationships, hurts, or hopes. . .this humor-filled volume will deliver a much-needed smile and equip you with simple-to-implement tips for attaining the kind of guidance and belonging you crave—the kind that can only be found in the unconditional love of Papa God.
About the Author:
Debora M. Coty is a popular speaker, columnist, lifelong Bible student, internationally published freelance writer, and award-winning author of numerous books, including Too Blessed to Be Stressed, and More Beauty, Less Beast. She’s also an orthopedic occupational therapist, writing instructor, and tennis addict. Mother of two grown children, Debora lives and loves in central Florida with her husband, Chuck, and desperately wicked pooch, Fenway.
My Review:
Too Loved to be Lost, is a great, little book that can be used as an encouragement to help remind us to not forget the enormous love that comes from our Father, no matter where or who we are. The author has provided many things from her own experiences that will either have you laughing or in tears because you can, so relate. You could possibly use this book as a devotional or maybe an in depth study. There are four sections and a total of 24 chapters. At the end of each chapter there are some simple question&thoughts to help you ponder the material.
If you are in need of healing and inspiration then this is the book for you. I especially loved the story of the author getting lost when she was in Scotland. She lets us know quickly that she has the same fears we do and she shows us how God came to her rescue. She also tells us that we can expect the same treatment from Him. An encouraging book with love as its theme! A great book and a quick read!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Litfuse Publicity.
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