About the Book:
In Parenting Unchained - Overcoming the Ten Deceptions that Shackle Christian Parents, Dr. James D. Dempsey reveals the ten most destructive lies about parenting. He writes from the heart about the way these lies infected his own parenting, and illuminates the Bible's powerful truths that counter each lie. Both Biblical and practical, each section ends with home activities to help parents take immediate steps to develop their kids' character--character that lasts when they leave home. The last chapters focus on the most important adjustments parents must make with teenagers to prepare them for independence. Weaving humor into strong warnings, Parenting Unchained points out the hazards that derail the parenting journey.
About the Author:
As an expert in children and learning environments, he has led more than 150 training seminars at various universities, churches, and childcare conferences through the years. He continues to train church and childcare staffs around the state of Texas. Beginning in 2008, Jim joined First Baptist Church of Keller (TX) as Children’s Minister. Jim was ordained in ministry in 2012, and recently joined the staff of Anderson Mill Baptist Church (Austin) as Associate Pastor to Families. He enjoys writing curricula for churches and maintains a blog for both parents and church staff on his website, www.D6Culture.com.
He provides parenting advice and a monthly newsletter to the parents of Young Leaders Campus Network in the Houston area. After publishing articles in educational journals and contributing to education textbooks, he wrote his first book on parenting titled Parenting Unchained-Overcoming the Ten Deceptions That Shackle Christian Parents. Jim uses these lessons plus intensive Bible study to reveal the ways Satan deceives Christian parents, and the Biblical truths that set parents free from those deceptions. In spite of Jim's parenting foibles, he and wife Gail have three lovely and well-adjusted daughters and three grandchildren.
My Review:
Our roles as parents are ever widening and expanding. I can tell you from personal experience, I have parented without God and I have parented with God, my advice go with God every time! You will ultimately fail if you go it alone. God gives us a great example of a good parent. He is the ultimate role model in how He guides us each day. And I would venture to guess we could learn a lot from Him. In Parenting Unchained: Overcoming the Ten Deceptions that Shackle Christian Parents, the author shares with us the 10 lies Satan uses to grab a foothold in our role as parent.
Dr. Dempsey implores us to rely on God and scripture to get our parenting role reared back around to be under God's advisement. In his book there are 10 deceptions laid out for us to avoid. The 10 deceptions are as follows:
The Foundation for Parenting,
The Lie of Self Reliance,
God Only Cares About Rules,
You Can Be A Parent Without Investing Much Time,
Teaching the Right Information is Enough,
Why and How You Discipline Don't Matter-Just Make Them Obey,
You Don't Need to Talk About Your Faith,
Children Should Choose Their Life Course (You Don't Need to Help Them),
It's All About Consistency,
Life Should Be Easy
After carefully reviewing the book, I found many inconsistencies in my parenting as we all may. Getting back to the heart of spiritual warfare will make us realize real quick that this is a supernatural war. Satan is after our children and he can use our inconsistencies to wound them and eventually win them over to his side---which in effect will destroy them. But we serve a mighty God that does NOT want that at all. The author gives us some points therein to help us win them back for the Lord. If you are interested in learning more, you can at this link. The paperback version retails for $12.64 and the kindle edition retails for $4.99.

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