Thursday, April 16, 2015

Review: Escape Through the Wilderness by:Gary Rodriguez

Escape Through the Wilderness
About the Book:
"What was that?" Savi whispered anxiously.
"It couldn't be Vexel, could it?"
Again, they heard more rustling in the woods, they knew it was getting closer.

Sixteen-year-old Savannah Evans walks with a slight limp thanks to a gymnastics, accident that dashed her Olympic dreams, but didn't stop her from attending an adventure camp in Idaho. At Camp Arrowhead, she quickly befriends Jade Chang and Rico Cruz, but Conner Swift taunts Savi because of her injury.

When the four are teamed together for an overnight white-water river rafting adventure, Savi refuses to get in the same raft with Conner. Unfortunately, the director will not reassign her.

A fun expedition down the river turns into a nightmare when their raft slams into a huge rock and their adult guide disappears down the river.

Without their guide and desperately trying to steer an out-of-control raft, they pass the "last chance" marker and enter the larger rapids. With Jade pinned between the raft and a rock, and Rico clinging to a lifeline, Savi must cut the raft free.

When the four drag themselves out of the river, they're bruised, beaten, lost, and twenty-five miles from camp. Because of late-night campfire tales of Vexel, a vicious animal that roams the nearby woods, Savi and the others are terrified.

Savi becomes the unlikely leader who tries to guide the group back to Camp Arrowhead. Limited supplies, injuries, and the constant threat of Vexel, who Savi fears is stalking them, complicate the harrowing return trip.

My Review:
 Four teenagers after a very life threatening scene have to learn how to depend on each other just to survive. As the group face their fears head on just to survive this harrowing experience they develop deep friendships that know NO bounds. It must be something to experience a near death experience and live to tell about it. The entire time they are haunted by the fact that Vexel will at any moment attack them.

 This group of teenagers learned real quick what it was going to take to survive and they had to learn all about it while being scared to death. This story reminds me so much of a suspense thriller type movie. It was a very fun and engaging read! It was engaging and will inspire you to reach outside of the box even if you are afraid.

**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Pump Up Your Book.

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