About the Book:
The beloved author of the Little House books was not only one of America's great pioneer storytellers but a woman of vibrant faith.
A Prairie Girl's Faith provides the first extended, in depth discussion of the Christian faith of one of America's most beloved pioneer women--Laura Ingalls Wilder. Although the faith of the Ingalls' family pervades books in the Little House series, the more specific details of Laura's faith have never been fully explored. It took extraordinary pluck for anyone to survive the harshness of frontier life--from the heartbreak of sudden crop losses to murderous storms to unrelentling loneliness. This book reveals how in surviving, the brave Laura drew not just on her character, but found encouragement, strength, and hope in her relationship with God.
My Review:
Beloved author, Laura Ingalls Wilder of Little House on the Prairie fame was penned an author long before her books and writings hit the television screen. Many people still don't realize that she had a series of books before the famous television series hit the tube. Many people love the simplistic lifestyle that the Ingalls family seem to ever so eloquently portray, it was definitely a family to not only admire but to imitate and learn from.
Stephen Hines, examines the spiritual legacy that the Ingalls created in their children and how Laura carried that legacy with her, throughout her life. A life that spanned several generations. A life that was lived out among millions every week in the form of a television show. It showed the true grit and determination that their family had and other families had back during that time. It took this grit to survive.
I really enjoyed going back over Laura's life and her spiritual journey as well as the commentary from the author throughout the book. It was a great reminder of the Little House series and how dear it was to me. I saved the whole series for my grandchildren that I will have some day. T o pass on the love of the writings would fill me with joy. Another generation learning about the fantastic woman and her life--what a great gift!
**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author. All opinions are my own.
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