*Disclosure* This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
About the Book:
A look at language and how children can use their words to encourage, forgive, express gratitude, heal, and love.
A book exploring the power of words. Young readers will understand how their words can change their lives and the lives of those around them.
My Review:
A sweet, little board book that teaches children the power of our words. Our words whether spoken in love or hurt or in anger. Words can heal or build friendships. Words cant be taken back once they are spoken. So we have to see the value in each word spoken over another human being.
Such a precious book just in time for Valentines Day. Rick Warren has added to his children's book line and it is a book well needed these days. I loved the writing and the illustrations. Great book for this generation!
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