**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
About the Book:
Just for the girls in your life, ages 5 and up, this collection of twelve extraordinary stories of women of faith will empower girls to know and understand how women have made a difference in the world and how much smaller our faith would be without them.
My Review:
In this day and age young girls need a positive role model. A role model that is worthy of being called such. We just really haven't seen anyone that fits that in a really long time. She Believed, is a perfect book for young girls to see some women that weren't afraid to be role models or to stand up for what was right or just even something they believed in.
Women such as Gladys Aylward a missionary that took care of orphans in China. She seen God move on her behalf many times. Or lady like Clara Barton that was shy until God gave her the boldness to help soldiers during the Civil War and went on to found the red Cross.
Or Catherine Booth that in a day and age where women weren't allowed to be ministers was able along with her husband to found the Salvation Army and was able to spread the love of God in the way she felt led.
These are just a few examples of some of the great women that were unafrad to do what God put on their hearts to do.
Each entry is one page long and is short and to the point.
A great way for our girls to gain some inspiration!
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