Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Review: Hope Like Wildflowers by:Pepper Basham


About the Book:

  An Appalachian Girl Seeks a Place to Belong
Return to the mountains of 1910s Appalachia with beloved author Pepper Basham to discover Kizzie McAdams's story.

Kizzie McAdams spent her childhood longing to see beyond the mountains of home, but when her job as a servant in a landowner’s house results in an unplanned pregnancy, her world tips into uncertainty and heartbreak. Disowned by her father, she seeks comfort in the arms of the man who promises to take care of her, but his support is conditional and inconsistent. She finds acceptance in the home of a nearby family who not only offer Kizzie friendship but point her to a deeper understanding of God’s love.

Despite her change of heart, her status as a social outcast brings with it continued threats and alienation so she flees her past in hopes of starting over in a nearby town. But her new world carries many of the same prejudices as the old. It also brings the unexpected friendship of businessman Noah Lewis, a man who lives with the same desire as Kizzie for helping the marginalized.

Unfortunately, Kizzie and Noah’s attempts to help those in need pit them against Noah’s elder brother, a powerful mill owner who holds control of the family finances. Is Kizzie and Noah’s growing romance strong enough to battle family power, social expectations, and Kizzie’s past to capture their happy ending? And when Kizzie’s first love returns to claim her, which future will she choose?

My Review:

 I have followed Kizzie on this journey and each time she becomes more and more alive to me. She is trying to make a way for herself. Being disowned by her father has its challenges but she was able to find some solace within a family that has taken up with her. She is able to have a model christian family played out before her eyes.

 Even though she has a conditional relationship with Charles she longs for something more, most likely something he cant give. Soon she meets Noah and things seem fine with him he definitely shares some of the same interests as Lizzie does. 

 Everything seems to be up in there for her because things get shook up a bit before its over. she has many decisions to make and they need to be made soon.

**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Review: The Color of Home by:K Tosello


About the Book:

 Audrey Needham, Bay Area interior designer to the rich and pretentious, is down to her last nerve. Her boss is impossible to please, her future is in jeopardy, and her great-aunt Daisy needs support as her husband descends into Alzheimer's. When Daisy enlists Audrey's help preparing for a move to assisted living, Audrey risks her career to return to the idyllic small town of Charity Falls, Oregon, the summer stomping grounds of her childhood. But Charity Falls was also the place that broke her heart when her father was killed in a tragic fire at the Sugar Pine Inn thirteen years ago. Despite Audrey's intent to avoid emotional entanglement, the pull of home is hard to resist. Something should be done about the deteriorating inn. A local girl with an incarcerated father needs a friend. And handsome local do-gooder Cade Carter is coloring Audrey all shades of uncertain.Join award-winning writer and debut novelist Kit Tosello in this lyrical and often humorous exploration of how God redeems brokenness and draws us to the life we're meant to find.

My Review:

 Even though the storyline was so I guess sad to a point. It was really a great story. I felt bad for Audrey but at the same time I envied her. she herself doesnt have any attachments and she is free to come and go and she chooses to help her Great Aunt Daisy. She is a very noble person with good intentions. Returning to a place that brings her so much pain but willing to for family is very admirable in the last.

 Cade Carter has his eyes set in Audrey's direction but will that help her see any value to being back in Charity Falls? He better come up with something quick if he has plans for this girl.

 Great story! Would love to see more from this author!

**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Review: Snowbie by:A&J Alton


About the Book:

One upon a time, the world had never seen a snowman! Here's the story of the very first one!

Did you know that, once upon a time, nobody had ever seen or even heard of a snowman? Kids will love this beautifully illustrated instant classic storybook about the very first one!

On these pages, they will

• How Santa found three very special snowballs.
• How he used them to build a very special kind of a snowman!
• How the snowman chose his Snowbie!
• How Snowbie met Mrs. Claus and Santa’s elves and reindeer friends!
• How Snowbie found his new family and a real purpose in life!

If you've ever built a snowman, you'll love the story of Snowbie! The whole family will want to give it a special place in your children’s book library. It’s a story you’ll want your kids to read to their children!

My Review:

 Inside the enchanting world of North Pole, Alaska lived Santa and his family. One day he came upon a snowball that talked and that was his first introduction to Snowbie the first snowman. Santa gave this wonderful friend an option of different names and the snowman chose his own name. Snowbie had a heart for love and kindness and hard work from the start. He left Santa's home to find his own way. Each step he was met with love and kindness.

 Santa soon found him and took him back home where he belongs after a short world tour, of course. Snowbie was loved more than he even knew.

 A sweet story about a precious snowman named Snowbie that just wanted to return all the love he felt inside.

**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Review: Out of the Shawdows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden by:Lunden Roberts


About the Book:

The tell-all memoir of Lunden Roberts's tumultuous relationship with Hunter Biden.

“He was sitting there wearing nothing but parrot boxer briefs, organizing his crack pipes on his Rosemont Seneca desk, with the Obama’s senate seat behind him, and I thought, this is definitely a guy I want to get to know better.”
That was the first time Lunden Roberts met Hunter Biden. She had come to DC from Arkansas to escape the yoke of her mother’s overbearing expectations. Hunter radiated the “live-for-the-moment” energy she sought. What followed from that first meeting was a wild journey that would come to define Lunde’s young life in ways she never could’ve from cooking crack in the kitchen of Rosemont Seneca, to strip clubs where Hunter was the one on the pole, to stories that make the laptop debacle seem every day, to giving birth to the grudgingly acknowledged grandchild of the sitting President of the United States.
When a hailstorm of media hit, painting Lunden as a stripper and one-night stand, Lunden retreated to Arkansas to live in the shadows. She’s ready to set the record straight. Her book is a sweetly raw, tell-all memoir of the crazy year she met and dated Hunter, and the chaotic, secret life that followed of mothering and protecting the nation’s first granddaughter.

My Review:

 Ummm well, this book was not quite what I expected. Most of the beginning kept referring to a lot of drug abuse and well just silly theatrics that don't quite fit a girl that I feel, was just too old to behaving the way she did. But that is neither here nor there, as my husband says. So lets get to the meat of it. 

 I think the author was intrigued by Hunter Biden and couldn't believe he would do such things, so much so that she followed on his escapades just to see what he would do next. Did she plot to get pregnant in order to cash in on him? Im not sure. 

 I saying anything bad but the book did lack substance unless you consider story after story just about drinking and drugs and partying. I was very bored early on and I'm not quite sure why the book was written. Im not sure I would want the world to know these things.

 So my review will reflect that I'm just not sure on this one. Im stumped actually.

**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for honest review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Review: Virginia (daughters of the Lost Colony) by:S McNear


About the Book:

The White Doe of the Outer Banks Grows into Womanhood   Return to the “what if” questions surrounding the Lost Colony and explore the possible fate of Virginia Dare—the first English child born in the New World. What happened to her after her grandfather John White returned to England and the colony he established disappeared into the mists of time? Legends abound, but she was indeed a real girl who, if she survived to adulthood, must have also become part of the legacy that is the people of the Outer Banks.   

 In the spring of 1602 by English reckoning, “Ginny,” as she is called by family and friends, is fourteen and firmly considered a grown woman by the standards of the People. Over the past ten years and more, she has watched the beautiful give-and-take of the Kurawoten and other native peoples with the English who came from across the ocean. She’s enjoyed being the darling of both English and Kurawoten alike—but a stirring deep inside her will not be put to rest. Through encounters with other Native peoples, a brush with the Spanish, and searching the depth of her own heart as suitors come calling, she must learn to stand not only as the daughter of Elinor and Ananias Dare but also a child of God, who gives her courage to trust whatever the path of her life might bring.

My Review:

 This series was such a good one. I love the history of the colonists. I love every aspect of it and I have now read all books in the series. This addition was no different than the rest. It was just as good and extremely interesting. I like them written from this aspect because it makes the real colonists more personable, in my opinion. 

 For many years Roanoke colony was such a mystery. I doubt that will ever change. A lot of us have our suspicions. I personally believe that most of them died out and the rest left this colony and joined another one. 

 Ginny must forge her own path just as her ancestors before her. It wasn't easy for them and it wont be for her. Ginny and Felipe will discover what that is to each of them. 

Such a good story and extremely enriched with a lot of history. Great series!

**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Review: Target Acquired by:L Eason

About the Book:

 Tough-as-nails Kenzie King has finally earned her place as a tactical medic on a SWAT team. But not everyone on the all-male team accepts her. Rumor is, she didn't get the position because of what she could do but because of who she knew. Which means she has to work harder and longer than anyone else to prove herself.

Cole Garrison is a man with deep faith who is finally ready to settle down and build a family of his own--if he can find the right person, that is. Kenzie sure has set off his interest meter, but trouble seems to follow in her wake. Since she joined the team, someone has begun to ambush and pick off team members, one by one.

It's all hands on deck to discover the culprit and end the killing. Can Kenzie and Cole put aside their differences and work together as a team? Or will their budding attraction be snuffed out by a sniper's bullet?

As you've come to expect from bestselling author Lynette Eason's stories, this tightly wound plot unfurls at breakneck speed and will leave you breathless.

My Review:

 In the latest Lynette Eason novel you will get a little bit of everything. She provides a lot in this addition to Lake City Heroes. Kenzie King is really excited about her newest job opportunity that is until she encounters push back from the other members on the SWAT team. They are giving her a rough go of it and its just not fair. Shes worked really hard to get where she is and its going to take a lot to get rid of her. Soon she realizes the irony in that last thought.

 Cole is all about learning more about this Kenzie King she is definitely sparking some interest with him. He really wants to soak up everything he can about this girl that just walked into his life. But will it be too late for either of them, with people dropping dead at every turn?!

**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.


Review: Tracking Tilly by:J Thompson

About the Book:

Who Stole Tilly from the Auction Block?
Breathe in the nostalgia of everything old red truck in book one of a new cozy mystery series.
The Hadley family ranch is struggling, so RaeLyn, her parents, and brothers decide to turn the old barn into an antique store. The only thing missing to go with the marketing of the store is Grandpa’s old red truck, Tilly, that was sold several years ago. Now coming back up on the auction block, Tilly would need a lot of work, but RaeLyn is sure it will be worth it—if only she can beat out other bidders and find out who stole Tilly after the auction ends. Hadley finds herself in the role of amateur sleuth, and the outcome could make or break the new family venture.

My Review:

 What a fun little read! I loved the nostalgia of the story. It was very down to earth and homey. I really enjoyed this story of Raelyn hunting down something that was so near and dear to her family. My dad and my husband are both avid classic car guys. They love it! I do too, to some extent.Raelyn's grandfather passed away a few years ago and when she runs across his old truck, Tilly--she immediately wants her back.

 Raelyn is in the hunt and her latest adventure takes her to some pretty interesting places and she meets a lot of unexpected people along the way. Perfect read for a blustery fall day.

 **Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher. All opinions are my own.