About the Book:
Married for nearly 38 years, the author Deborah DeArmond, and her husband made the spoken declaration, I choose you today a regular part of their communication. It s when we least feel like saying it that we need to remind ourselves that love is a choice, not a feeling. I Choose You Today features 31scriptural principles that support marriage and help couples develop healthy biblically-based behavior. Built on an introductory anecdotal story, each chapter has an inspirational takeaway of not only what to do, but how to begin applying the principles immediately. Thought-provoking questions create talking points for couples to explore their own choices and experiences in each area and serve to generate open dialogue of discovery. I Choose You Today is not a book of shoulds, but one of clearly identified choices that each individual can make to grow their marriage and align it with the word of God. Every saying ends with a conventional wisdom quote."
About the Author:
Deb is an entrepreneur, and has owned her own leadership training and executive coaching practice for 15 years. She is an experienced speaker and most recently, an author. She is a featured writer for Lifeway's Mature living magazine, and a 2015 monthly columnist in that publication. She's also appeared in WHOA Magazine and Dallas Family Magazine.
My Review:
I learned about 10 years into my marriage that I was not serving my husband as Christ expects me to. I asked God to help me and I asked Him to not let it all be for nothing. My husband hadn't had that great revelation as did I, so I knew at the present moment it would be well received but not reciprocated initially.So I definitely needed God to make this work. And as God always does His children after correcting them, He helps them stay the course, especially if their hearts are true, and mine was. I am grateful every day for that correction from my Father. After that day the hard work truly began.
In, I Choose You Today:31 Choices to Make Love Last, the author Deb DeArmond takes a closer look at going all out for your spouse and showing them through you just how much our Heavenly Father loves them. It is a gift that you can give to your spouse daily. See I have always done things for my family but I was going about it all wrong, I was doing it expecting them to return the favor. I was NOT showing true servant-hood as Christ displayed and that is where I went terribly wrong. A quote from the book,
"The only way we can serve God on earth is by serving others." ~Rick Warren
My favorite chapter in the book is chapter 13, I Choose to Serve You where the author reveals something her husband did for her as she slept. It is thought provoking and extremely awe inspiring and gives you a basis to start loving on your spouse in even more ways. Filled with encouraging words, Scriptures, and helpful prayers, I Choose You Today--can be a BIG help to many marriages.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Litfuse Publicity.
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