About the Book:
Extramarital affairs are certainly not the social taboo that they once were, and may be more prevalent now than ever. Unfortunately, Christians are not exempt. With the anonymity of the Internet and the privacy of personal mobile phones, the temptation to cheat on one's spouse has fertile ground to grow.
After straying to the other side of this marital fence--and returning to find forgiveness and restoration--Anderson brings this practical book about predicting and preventing an extramarital affair. Based on the principle that the grass is always greener when it's watered, Avoiding the Greener Grass Syndrome focuses on how to grow a beautiful marriage by establishing six protective hedges around it.
This second edition includes a new chapter on repairing marriage following infidelity, as well as an appendix considering the Andersons' own marriage before and after the affair from Ron's point of view.
My Review:
The author shares some somewhat painful experiences from her own life in a way to help fix other marriages that may be in trouble or at least seemingly headed that way. These days affairs run rampant around us whether you are in a christian marriage or not nothing seems off limits for the devil to infiltrate and literally destroy within seconds. The author shows how easy this can happen and how at every turn we should be on guard and ready to fight for our marriages and our families.
The author shares many life lessons from others as well and she shows us that there are questions we can ask ourselves and tidbits to look for that may warn us of impending trouble. A great guide to realizing that the spouse God has chosen for us is the perfect mate for us as long as they love the Lord, want to create a better long standing marriage and will do everything in their power to protect it, at all costs.
A great guidebook to all things marriage! Great wedding gift!
**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author. All opinions are my own.
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