About the Books:
Andi Lassos Trouble
When the Circle C ranch decides to host a rodeo competition with two other ranches, dozens of cowboys are eager to prove they're the best riders and ropers in the valley. But they're not the only ones who want to show off their skills--Andi aims to lasso her way to the prizes, even if big brother Chad says the contest isn't for kids.
The roundup is meant to be a time for food, fun, and friendship. But before Andi can prove she's got what it takes to be a real cowgirl, the day turns dangerous. Will a friendly rodeo turn into a range war between ranchers and sheepherders? Can Andi and her family keep their neighbors--and themselves--safe?
Andi to the Rescue
This is so embarrassing. Andi's teacher, Miss Hall, is sick--and Mother is the substitute teacher. What will Andi's friends think?
But it turns out embarrassment is the last thing Andi needs to worry about when two outlaws kidnap Andi and her mother after school in a case of mistaken identity! They can't even tell the kidnappers a mistake has been made without putting themselves in even more danger.
Now they're being held in a remote cabin until Mother can teach the man in charge how to read--and he's willing to go to any length to make it happen. Andi must escape and find help. But can she lead a rescue party back to Mother before the outlaws take their new teacher--and disappear forever?
My Review:
Andi Lassos Trouble
Andi is all about her horses and the Circle C Ranch. I guess you can say its her life and it always will be. Andi also has a habit of finding herself in awkward positions from time to time. When the chance for Andi to preform in a real life grown rodeo presents itself, Andi just has to go against the rules. While it may seem that Andi knows her horses and rodeoing this one proves too much for her to handle because there is a war about to take place between the adults and poor Andi finds herself in the middle.
Andi to the Rescue
Poor Andi! She is always finding trouble either for herself or those around her. Of course, it's not her fault that trouble seems to follow her. Boy, she has herself in a fix this time and her poor mother is along for the ride. Andi and her mom have to time everything just right in this nail biter, if not bad things could happen. How will Andi see herself out of this one?
The author makes the best readers for this genre. She takes real life similarities and she creates a fictional tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Age appropriate writing and events and its not too serious but not too boring. She walks a fine line between both and can keep the reader entertained, whether it be young or old. You are sure to like the Circle C Stepping Stones series.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author. All opinions are my own.
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