Monday, December 24, 2012

A December Birthday

Well tomorrow is a BIG deal in our house because we will have a newly turned 10 year old in our midst. Our first born son Hunter. Here are some photos of Daddy's best buddy.

 Our little man will be one decade old tomorrow. And as all of our children know their birthday is just that "their day". So every birthday they get to pick a birthday meal followed by whatever dessert they choose and one birthday gift. Well Hunter sometimes feels slighted because his birthday is 6 days before Christmas. I know many people combine birthdays that close,with Christmas; but we feel if each of our children get their special day Hunny T is no different. We do try,depending on what kind of Christmas desserts and goodies we are going to prepare, to plan ahead with enough time so we don't eat cake twice.

 Hunter has picked pizza for his birthday dinner. This is no surprise because he has picked the same birthday dinner since he was two years old. But this year Hunter's most favorite person in the entire world a.k.a. Daddy encouraged him to pick doughnuts instead of birthday cake. This year we will also have his birthday celebration on Saturday the 22nd instead of the actual day because Daddy works night shift and that will be his off day. So fast forward to Saturday and here are pictures of our celebration celebrating our first born son's special day.

          So in honor of our boy I am going to post one of his favorite songs for your listening enjoyment!

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