“Everyone loves a story.” So begins the first installment of our brand new God's Great Covenant series. God's Great Covenant, Old Testament One: A Bible Course for Children, will present and teach the Biblical narrative, from Genesis to Ruth, including the book of Job, at a third grade student’s level. The Old Testament presents an unfolding narrative of God’s (Jehovah’s) faithfulness to his people, and the overarching Old Testament themes of the promises and power of God will be presented in simple weekly stories. Combined with delightful maps and illustrations, children will truly follow along with God’s people and see how he leads them and keeps his promises. Students will also learn how the Old Testament stories begin to point us to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ.
The text contains thirty two chapters, to be completed one per week, and divided into five themed units. Before the week’s story, each chapter opens with a Memory Page that includes a weekly memory verse, a Key Facts chart, and vocabulary to remember. A thought-provoking “Who is God?” question will encourage children to consider what they are learning about Him and how to relate to Him in their own lives. Each chapter also contains a worksheet and a quiz. A review chapter at the end of each unit summarizes the material and provides extra puzzles and activities.
A detailed teacher’s edition is available separately, containing the entire student text, providing answer keys and additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text. You can simply use the teachers edition to help retrieve the answers for your children's review worksheets. The creators have gone through and detailed most lines in the reading section of the same text that is also in the student book so that you can have further discussion with your children. It is basically expanded upon so that the discussion can be more in depth.
My Review:
I have a confession to make my boys and I did not begin this book at the beginning of the book. We began with Joshua and the walls of Jericho story. I was able to dig into this Bible curriculum with them. I read them everything thing that was contained therein leading up to the actual Bible story and then gave them the worksheets and quizzes to answer afterwards. I really see no problem working this curricula into your homeschool it is really easy and simple. Classical Academic Press has done a wonderful job because we managed to ease it in with no problems.
My boys said they really enjoyed it because it was fast. I loved it because it led to a lot of other discussions about the Bible. It sort of gave this homeschool mom a chance to quiz them a little bit on their Bible knowledge. I asked them if the ark of the covenant contained anything special or was it an empty box. We also discussed Rahab and how she helped the spies that Joshua sent into the city. And how even though she told a lie and God protected her. I knew they would pick up on that one.
The memory page is how you begin the lesson. Featured here are the lesson scope, read to me, the memory verse, some key facts, things to remember and the question, "Who is God?". The next pages are the story time pages filled with a very understandable bible story that your children can enjoy. And then after the Bible story you can have your child do the review worksheets and the chapter quiz. It is a very simple and straight forward book.
The products links are as follows: The Student Text, the Teachers Edition, & the MP3 audio files. The student text is available on their website for $22.95. The teachers edition is available on their website for $24.95. And an added bonus is the MP3 audio files that are available for $9.95.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

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