About the Book:
Science for Every Teacher is written for anyone who teaches K-8 students. Elementary school teachers teach many different subjects, and often feel competent to teach all of them but one. When teaching science they often wish they had more depth in their own knowledge. They want to have more background than simply the text their students are using! And teacher’s guides rarely provide that kind of information in depth.
About the Author:
John entered the field of education in 1985 and has taught professionally in public, Episcopal, and classical Christian schools. He also taught college level courses for over 6 years. He taught full time at Regents School of Austin from 1999-2012, where he served as Math-Science Department Chair for eight years. His classroom teaching experience encompasses 15 years teaching high school science and math, and over 10 years teaching mathematics and literature part-time at the university level. He is the author of The Student Lab Report Handbook (2009), Teaching Science so that Students Learn Science (2010), Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (2012), and Favorite Experiments for Physics and Physical Science (2013). John now serves full-time as a writer, publisher, and school consultant.
My Review:
In all my years of teaching my children at home, I don't ever remember coming across any books to help the teacher learn more about the subject to better enhance the learning that the child can benefit from, until now. John D. Mays is an excellent writer in his field. He is a great teacher and has alot of experience to back him up. In his book, Science For Every Teacher Vol. 1 Physics, he has taken the very difficult task of explaining this very concept to me the mom but also the teacher.
This book is an excellent resource to have not only to the homeschool parent but to any parent wanting to expand their knowledge on the subject.
Taken from the website:
The first volume in the series covers physics. Chemistry will be the subject of Volume 2, coming in 2014. Volumes 3 and 4 will cover earth science/astronomy, and biology, respectively, and will be published in subsequent years.
Science for Every Teacher is written from a faith-neutral perspective, and is appropriate in any educational context.
**Disclosure** This book was provided to me for free for my honest review from the author.
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