About the Book:
Touching the world for Jesus can happen in the most unlikely ways, and through the most unlikely people. This fun-to-read, nuts- and-bolts guidebook proves readers don't have to be perfect to Faithprint, leaving Jesus's lasting impression on the world.
My Review:
In Rebekah Binkley Montgomery's book Faithprints, she shows us how to make an impact on the world around us by leaving Jesus' imprint. A message that will stay with them for a lifetime. One that will leave an imprint on their heart, hopefully and prayerfully changing their lives forever.
Ways to serve our Lord could be as simple as helping a friend out when they are under the weather or have no food in their home. Or maybe it could be on a bigger scale by feeding the needy in our communities or helping with the church's clothing drive. Another way would be helping with cancer research or the AIDS epidemic.
The author has carefully took different situations and showed us how each Faithprint was instilled in the person or persons involved. She also shows you how you may do this very thing. And finally gives you a few things to consider and look into. It is the best self help guide for those of us in the service of helping others.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me for free for my honest review from ACU and Leafwood Press.
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