About the Book:
Eleven people tell stories about their transition from Catholicism to evangelicalism.
Table of Contents:
When everything else is gone | Alex Morbelli
Confident in God’s love | Gerard O’Brien
A wretch like me | Matt Schmucker
The ultimate fresh start | Ngaira Smith
Letting in air and light | Tony Coffey
Words of eternal life | Omar Anheluk
Authentic church | Alex Purnomo
No more fear | Eddie Piani
Learning to trust | Angelo Porcu
A retired Catholic | Gay Ross
Certainty for eternity | Mark Gilbert
My Review:
Stepping Out In Faith, gives us a more in depth understanding into the lives of a few selected people that decided that in order to have a closer walk with God, they would soon have to leave the Catholic church and turn to evangelicalism. Each of these stories though unique all share a common thread in that they all were seeking the true intercessor, Jesus Christ. They come to realize that a priest is not the one they should be confessing to.
They each share with us their individual circumstances hoping to inspire others. The story told by Alex Morbelli, really resonated with me and was truly touching. Her husband being faced with the fact he had only a few short months to live said some gripping words that broke me. Her story was such a sorrowful one that eventually turned around for God's good, ultimately.
Her whole life, she was brought up in the Catholic church only to eventually attend an Anglican church where she was mystified when the same rituals and ideas were not shared there as they were in Catholicism. She was having a hard time dealing with such a stark change until some of her new found friends in the Anglican body of believers, took her aside with books of doctrine from each religion and educated her further.
These loving people gathered her up and helped guide her and soon she was transformed and was able to understand thus growing closer to God as a result. Her story along with others are very inspiring. This short read provides us with in sight as well as inspiration.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Cross Focused Reviews.
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