About the Book:
James E. Hanger was wounded at Philippi, Virginia on June 3, 1861 and became the first amputee of the American Civil War. He hated the Yankee peg leg his Union doctor gave him. Instead, he used his ingenuity and engineering background to invent an artificial leg with a joint at the knee and a hinge at the ankle. He patented his Hanger Limb.
His invention revolutionized the prosthetic industry. The company Mr. Hanger founded still operates today (Hanger Inc.) as the country’s largest provider of artificial limbs. His story is quite remarkable.
About the Author:
Bob O’Connor’s first book was published in 2006. He now has ten books published including 6 historical novels and 4 non-fiction books. He has been named finalist four different times in national book competitions conducted by Indie Excellence Awards and USA Books.
O’Connor writes about the Civil War in a way in which persons of interest find compelling as he writes about the soldiers on the front lines instead of the generals and the battle strategy. He speaks around the country on the Civil War and has appeared over 600 times in 18 states since his first book was published. His presentations have spanned the spectrum, as he has spoken to first graders and cadets at the U.S. Naval Academy, in national parks and public libraries, at historical societies and Civil War round tables.
His main topics include abolitionist John Brown, Abraham Lincoln’s bodyguard (Ward Hill Lamon), the United States Colored Troops, the invention of modern prosthetics, and brothers fighting against brothers.
You can find out more about the author at his website www.boboconnorbooks.com or connect with him on Facebook.
My Review:
Most inventions of our time or of times past have a story behind them, the prosthetic leg is no different. Although Mr. Hanger had some trouble at first with his newly amputated leg and the peg leg he received as replacement, was soon inspired to make a new one, a better one. His invention would soon become known as the Hanger Limb. With his new invention the leg could now bend at the knee and ankle. This would give Mr. Hanger and others like him a better sense of self and would allow them to join back in with society and go on with their daily lives.
He advanced the prosthetic industry so much so that they were able do better and invent better prosthesis's for other limbs as well. Hanger, Inc. is a company that he founded and it still up and running today. The author decided it was time that the public knew about this somewhat unknown Civil War soldier that revolutionized the artificial prosthetic industry, an industry that is alive and well today because of the brilliance of this man.
I love the way the author, Bob O'Connor has written about the life of this some what unknown individual that was truly a genius before his time. To think that if he would of been alive and well in this time period, the things he could of done. The book is written in diary-style prose, that is quite enjoyable.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher.
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