About the Book:
Includes the best ways to observe the heavens, along with the most up-to-date astronomical data From theory to practice, here is a solid presentation of the universe from a young-earth, creationist perspective
Shows Biblical glimpses of the heavens, as well as through Christian history!
Includes a 24-inch, full-color pull-out poster!
If you watch the stars at night, you'll see how they change. Many ancient pagan cultures taught that the changing stars caused the seasons to change. Unlike these pagan teachings, the Book of Job gives credit to God for both changing stars and seasons (Job 38:31-33). When Job looked at Orion, he saw about what we see today, even though he may have lived as much as 4,000 years ago. This gives us a direct connection to him, and more importantly to the God who made both the stars and us.
About the Author:
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner has a B.S. (Math), M.S. (Physics), M.A. and Ph.D. (Astronomy, Indiana University). He is Full Professor at the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he teaches physics and astronomy. He has published about two dozen papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals. See his university homepage for more details.
My Review:
My children love science! Astronomy holds a special place in their hearts because of their Dad's desire to be an astronaut as a child. He never did attain that dream but that put a drive in them to study this amazing idea even further. They love learning about the amazing and beautiful yet unique creation God has laid before us. We as a homeschooling family have the luxury of studying a subject until we have satisfied that passion to learn about it.
Master Books has updated The New Astronomy Book to include more up to date information and the book also includes a 24 inch full color, pull out poster.Full of facts and full color photography and enough evidence of God's endless creation this book will set your children on a lifelong learning adventure. 15 chapters of information to dive off into as well as color coded reading/teaching levels.
The Wonders of Creation line of books are based on a Biblical worldview. Master Books Publishing Group tries to provide the reader with an even basis for knowledge. All viewpoints are presented and then the Creationist viewpoint is explained in further detail because their view is behind the fact that we are created by God and for God and that the universe & all contained therein were also created by Him. I also stand behind them in that fact and I am raising my children to believe the same.
The lessons in the book are tailored to fit all ages. Of course with older children you may have to add some things to it, to enhance the lessons. There are 96 pages and it retails for $16.99, you can find out more at this link. I used this book for my boys and we just read it out loud together as a go along with what we were already studying. Our boys found it interesting and enjoyed the pictures immensely. If you would like to read more reviews on this book you can do so at this link.

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