About the Book:
You’ll never guess what crazy dish the ancient Incan kings ate. But you can read all about it, and more, in If You Were Me and Lived in…Peru, the latest book in Carole P. Roman’s fun travel series for kids.
An exciting introduction to world cultures written for young readers ages three through eight, this new expedition takes kids to South America and gives them a colorful glimpse into what living in Peru is like. Highlighting a myriad of topics, including language, cuisine, climate, and history, this book teaches kids about diversity while also revealing to them the important truth that we are all connected.
Parents, grandparents, and teachers alike will love opening their children’s eyes to the world around them in a fun and easy way—and they’ll be happily surprised when they end up learning a few things themselves. Fair warning, parents: your kids will want to start celebrating a new February holiday after reading this book. But don’t worry. You can always tell them you’re making a certain special, royal Incan dish for dinner.
About the Author:
Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of the much-lauded children’s book Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life. Passionate about writing for young readers, she enjoys every opportunity to introduce young minds to the fascinating world that awaits them by expertly infusing fun stories with quality learning. Her experience as a former social studies teacher is wonderfully apparent in the engaging and educational travel books she writes for young readers. Now with more than ten books in her popular If You Were Me and Lived in… series, she’s beginning to rake in the accolades from ForeWord Reviews, Reader Views, and Rebecca’s Reads, as well as winning NABE Pinnacle awards for multiple titles. Roman and her husband live on Long Island, New York, in close proximity to their children.
My Review:
If You Were Me And Lived In...Peru, is a great book to teach your little one about a country in South America that is rich in culture. Peru's capital city Lima overlooks the ocean and the population there is huge raining in at 9 million people. Now that's a lot!!! Lima means "talker". Hugo would be a popular boy name in Peru and a popular girl name would be Carmen. Mami and Papi would be what you called your parents, if you lived there. The civilization there is very old, Incas use to inhabit Peru. I really believe this old world has many stories to tell in its culture as well as its people.
The people there prepare and eat many interesting foods, fried doughnuts sounds yummy! Potatoes are quite popular there and they have several different types for many different taste buds. A old country world full of people, great food and lots of old culture is found in the fascination country of Peru. If you would like to learn more, you can at this link.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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