About the Book:
Have you ever proclaimed, "I will never be the same" about something in your life you absolutely wanted to change? This book will not only help you say it, but also make the statement a reality and it can start today.
About the Authors:
KATHY COLLARD MILLER and LARRY MILLER, who were high school sweethearts, married in 1970 and had no idea the journey God had for them. Almost divorced after seven years of marriage, God healed their marriage and opened doors for writing and speaking. Larry has eight published books; Kathy, fifty. Larry teaches men's Bible studies and is a retired police lieutenant. Kathy is a member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and CAN (Christian Authors Network). They are lay counselors. Their website is LarryAndKathy.com. The Millers have two grown children, one grandson, and live in Southern California.
My Review:
Change is inevitable in this life. Good change, bad change doesn't matter it can NOT be avoided. Sometimes during that change we have a hard time and can actually repeat patterns that we have always done that usually get us nowhere. This book can be used to address things such as this. We all know we need to confront the problem, but what do we do to change? And how can we be reacting that may be creating issues to begin with? These are just some of the questions this book may be able to answer and in doing so could change your life forever and for the better.
In Never Ever Be The Same, the authors take real life issues and situations and use them as a catalyst for change for us all. some of us react mainly out of fear. But today true freedom can be found within the pages of this book. When we leave God out of our reasons for being afraid or even angry that is when things go terribly wrong. In the beginning of the book the authors discuss how events from our past, without us realizing it can create problems for us in the future.
With it's insightful helps and encouraging words Never Ever Be The Same is surely a read that will cause you to think twice about reacting negatively and it spurs you on to live in freedom.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Bookfun.
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