The Bible is increasingly under attack from every direction. Learn important details that can strengthen your confidence in the Bible's inerrant nature. Discover how the Bible proves itself and the insight you need to strengthen your faith and defend God's Word!
Weekly Lesson Schedule
Student Worksheets
Quizzes & Test
Answer Key
10th - 12th grade
1 Year
Apologetics 1 Credit
Package Includes:
How Do We Know the Bible is True? Vol. 1
How Do We Know the Bible is True? Vol. 2
Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Vol. 1
Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Vol. 2
Parent Lesson Planner
My Review:
Apologetics is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of information. Basically, an argument of sorts in defense of lets say the Bible and all it stands for. Many times our children grow into adults that just don't get it. They don't really understand the how's and why's of Christianity. And to really get to the heart of God it is good to know the how's and why's. So our good friends at Master Books known for their great creationism structured books, products, and curriculum have come up with a curriculum pack geared for grades 10-12 that is one full year, which means one full credit to help our high schoolers graduate.
Each Apologetics in Action (Curriculum Pack) retails for $52.50 and the entire set includes the Parent Lesson Planner, How Do We Know the Bible is True? Vols 1&2, Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Vols. 1&2. This 5 book set is perfect for your high school child to learn more about the argument of Christianity and to help them sort through it all while earning high school credit. Each of the books are thoroughly researched and use all points of view to give good argument. My favorite set of books out of the complete set would be the books on Bible Contradictions. These books are very informative and based on Scripture. I love the set up of the books and how everything is explained. My son is having a wonderful time learning more about God and the Bible.
**Disclosure** This product was sent to me free of charge through my participation on the Moms of Master Books Review Crew.
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