The skies shouted it to the seas that thundered it to the waves that roared it to the great white whales that sang it to the starfish in the deep. And tiny sandpipers danced it on shining sands… “It’s time! It’s time!” On one quiet night, creation whispered a secret. Grass and bees, robins and trees all spread the word. Sheep told their young while angels sang the song to the shepherds. Hushed news of a miracle echoed to the ends of the earth. The moment had come. The long-awaited child had arrived! Creation cried out in celebration, but only a few people heard. Only a few joined nature’s chorus, a song in praise of the newborn King.
My Review:
What a precious board book that will ring in the Christmas season, perfectly. With dramatic and enlightening prose Sally Lloyd Jones has stirred our hearts once again with her latest release, Song of the Stars. It is rich with beautiful words and in depth illustrations that bring her words to life. Imagining that the world knew all along about the day our savior was to be born while many of us were in awe so many more had no idea that their Messiah had been born. But the animals that He created knew as well as the angels---just like Mary and Joseph knew.
A beautiful way to tell your children the classic retelling of Christ's birth! It is the best size for little hands and comes in a bound board book style. Geared for ages 4-7 years of age.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
What a precious board book that will ring in the Christmas season, perfectly. With dramatic and enlightening prose Sally Lloyd Jones has stirred our hearts once again with her latest release, Song of the Stars. It is rich with beautiful words and in depth illustrations that bring her words to life. Imagining that the world knew all along about the day our savior was to be born while many of us were in awe so many more had no idea that their Messiah had been born. But the animals that He created knew as well as the angels---just like Mary and Joseph knew.
A beautiful way to tell your children the classic retelling of Christ's birth! It is the best size for little hands and comes in a bound board book style. Geared for ages 4-7 years of age.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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