Your New Money Mindset is a new way of thinking about the role money plays in our lives. Many of us live with ongoing, and often unexamined, tension related to money. Few of us have really escaped the credit-card trap or freed ourselves from worries about having enough for the future. Brad Hewitt, CEO of Thrivent Financial, and James Moline, consulting psychologist, believe we haven't spent enough time examining our fundamental attitudes toward money. In Your New Money Mindset, Jim and Brad guide you through a Money Mindset Assessment, which will pinpoint what attitudes about money you should work on developing in order to achieve financial freedom. The goal is to cultivate a surplus mindset that allows you to enjoy what you have and be openhearted toward others. Discover today how to create a healthy relationship with money.
My Review:
New Year's Day always brings about New Years resolutions and I would say at the top of that list is fitness related and debt related. The two things that most people try to get a good steady start on and hope that it has stuck by the end of the year. A healthy relationship with your money is essential in this life and many times can bring you that peace f mind you need to face other challenges in your life.
What is so great about Your New Money Mindset is that the authors try to get you down to the root of the problem that could actually being causing the concern for your finances which I find fascinating. If you aren't altered in your way of thinking you are fighting a losing battle, in my opinion and the authors get that entirely. They have included an assessment to try and analyze behaviors so that the reader can pinpoint the issue.
A great book for the new year that is definitely going to help get a different mindset in place of those that need it! Highly recommended!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
New Year's Day always brings about New Years resolutions and I would say at the top of that list is fitness related and debt related. The two things that most people try to get a good steady start on and hope that it has stuck by the end of the year. A healthy relationship with your money is essential in this life and many times can bring you that peace f mind you need to face other challenges in your life.
What is so great about Your New Money Mindset is that the authors try to get you down to the root of the problem that could actually being causing the concern for your finances which I find fascinating. If you aren't altered in your way of thinking you are fighting a losing battle, in my opinion and the authors get that entirely. They have included an assessment to try and analyze behaviors so that the reader can pinpoint the issue.
A great book for the new year that is definitely going to help get a different mindset in place of those that need it! Highly recommended!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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