When a water vessel is filled with dirt and stones, it cannot be used to quench a thirst. But, when this vessel is emptied, there is opportunity to fill it until it overflows with fresh, cool, life-giving water. Water that quenches. Refreshes. Soothes.
Our souls are the same: filled with fear, doubt, and disappointment. Running over with unanswered prayers and lingering questions. When we empty the mess of our lives in the presence of God, we're offered an invitation to come. An invitation that allows us to come empty - so that we can be filled until we overflow.
Come Empty - Pour out Life's Hurts and Receive God's Healing Love guides you through fifty days of experiencing the fullness of God's love and His ability to overcome life's hurts. Each day, you will receive assurance of God's presence in your difficult situations. Each devotion gives new vision and perspective when you're hindered by emotional blind spots, and leads you to experience God's peace and wholeness. When His invitation is accepted, He will set your captive mind and heart free to live fully by His grace. The question is not if you will get an invitation. The question is will you come?
My Review:
What a great book to start the new year, fresh and new. It is more like refreshed and renewed. The only way for God to fill you up is if you are completely empty of "self". Come Empty: Pour Out Life's Hurts and Receive God's Healing is a good way to learn just what the process is all about. It is an in depth Bible devotional that causes you to deeply reflect on what got you to this place and what is keeping you from moving on and digging deeper.
Come Empty: Pour Out Life's Hurts and Receive God's Healing is a devotional that has 80 days worth of digging deeper into the whole of self that got you to this spot in the first place and gives you the freedom that you are searching for. God is waiting for us to make that first, fresh move of faith that will be the bridge to Him as well as the bridge to our freedom from circumstances and bondage.
This book is a great way to find your way through the clutter and chaos to that brilliant landscape of beauty that you long and yearn to find!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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