About the Book:
The bestselling My Little® series, with more than 2 million copies sold, is a compact collection of books that will have a big impact on the hearts of your children. My Little Bible will help you introduce your children to key Bible stories.
My Little Bible is a collection of Bible stories, including children’s favorites such as the story of baby Moses, Noah, Daniel and the lions’ den, Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ call to love and help others, and many more. New illustrations in the same perfect format for the small hands of your toddlers and preschoolers make My Little Bible a wonderful gift for a variety of occasions, and it is just the right size to tuck into a birthday gift bag or Easter basket.
Children will learn that this little book teaches big truths from the Bible.
My Review:
Our sweet babies want to have a Bible just like mommy and daddy and this sweet little book is perfect for those little, tiny fingers. It is a small sized book averaging in at 4 inch by 6 inch book. But with all the sweet wording and the absolute precious illustrations you will quickly see how those sweet babies can learn more and more from this tiny little book.
The stories are very short and sweet and they won't lost too long for those babies that feel like they have too much to do than to sit still for a story. Each story is a small summary, a scripture, and a pondering question or two. In under 100 pages your toddler will have a Bible of their very own.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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