About the Book:
A thousand schemes and to-do lists may threaten to enslave you, but Christ died to free you from them, and he is enough.
Paul's letter to the Colossians is short, but it delivers a roundhouse kick to religion as it reveals the complete and inexhaustible sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Jesus really is everything we need! Paul reveled in the good news that had captured his heart. He never got over it and never moved beyond it. He knew that no one could advance beyond the essential of the crucified, risen, and exalted Christ. And he didn't want anyone to retreat from it.
This thorough, detailed, and readable exposition is perfect for pastors, seminary students, Sunday school teachers, and small group leaders who want a Christ-focused, gospel-rich study of Colossians. Its pastoral application of the gospel will appeal to anyone who is weary of the hard yoke of legalism, providing refreshment with the simple, life-transforming truth that all we need is found in Christ alone.
My Review:
Paul has always had a way with words. I am not sure if it was his extended schooling back ground or what but his words often fascinate me and give me time to pause and ponder on the things that he is trying to say. Most everything he has said always pierces my heart. It is amazing to me that words penned that long ago still have residual effects on the world today. He was my favorite authors of the Bible, I personally think because he gets it, he really does.
In Christ All Sufficient, Brian Hedges the author takes us on a journey through the book of Colossians. He takes us verse by verse explaining as he goes. This is an expository study of this letter that Paul wrote and through the study of each verse we can see where Paul was headed in his teachings. The author was able to put many questions to rest that I have always had about the text.
This would be the perfect gift for a seminary student. It does teach you a great deal about the text, in a clear and simple format and it isn't heavily involved. It is concise, straight forward and to the point.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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