About the Book:
Could a Pancake have the power to shape a child's view of their world? It was a surprise to Ethan that his favorite breakfast, a stack of steaming hot pancakes, would reveal many ways that nature and people work together. He discovered that everyone has a hand in taking care of nature. Ethan would have never guessed that his simple, innocent act of tossing an oil can into the lake, just to make a big splash for fun, could change his whole wide world.
The slippery journey of the oily OOZE leaking from the can, across the lake, down the river to the beaver ponds, and into the fields of grain brought all of Ethan's friends together. Everyone pitched in to clean up the OOZE from the lake, the fish, and the fields, to get rid of the mess around the lake they all loved. They celebrated with a party and plenty of pancakes.
My Review:
Ethan was a child who loved adventure and one of his most favorite activities was going fishing. Every fishing trip his mother would make him a piping hot pancake breakfast. He loved this tradition so much that one day he just couldn't thank his mother enough. His mother said he she thank all the people and animals involved with his pancake breakfast and so one day he did. But he also made a costly, careless mistake that would make those delectable pancakes not taste so good.
After he remembered the mistake he made he did all he could to rectify the situation and luckily with the help of his neighbors, he was able to fix all he had done. I loved this sweet little book about pancakes. It takes a somewhat controversial subject that has happened several times in this generation and shows what we can all do to make the world around us so much better. Besides that it shows children how the world around us is involved in every single aspect of our lives, even our pancakes.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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