About the Book:
When experiencing infertility, the unexpected happens. Your feelings about yourself and your relationship with others and your belief in God are confused and complicated. Dancing Upon Barren Land – Prayer, Scripture Reflections, and Hope for Infertility is a helpful companion for those dark, lonely days.
*Specific Prayers Topics and Supporting Scripture
*Helpful Truths to Living Life While You Wait
*Supporting Ideas for Family Members or Friends
*Resource Aid for Ministry Leader
*Discussion Topics for Support Groups

About the Author:
Lesli is no stranger to infertility. She has experienced all the range of emotions, the prodding of doctors, and the stinging disappointments. Yet through it all she's found significance offering hope and inspiration to the wounded heart of the barren soul. Through her own experience and those shared from others, an online ministry was created Dancing Upon Barren Land ~ Spiritual Nourishment for the Infertility Road. Now she speaks to women around the world through the website and leads locals support groups too, along with providing a resource through this book. Lesli enjoys life. She loves spending time with her husband, Larry, her man of faith and live-in comedian. She loves spending time with her family and friends, and traveling, especially road trips. Most of all, her passion is sharing God's love and teaching the Bible to women, inspiring belief there's healing for the grief of infertility and sorrow from loss, and there is joy in the journey while we wait.
My Review:
Dancing Upon Barren Land is devotional/ prayer book that helps us through the trials of infertility, pregnancy loss and miscarriage. Lesli soon realized like many of us that a book of this type is very much needed. All the ladies out there that have experienced this type of loss needs to know that there are millions of women that experienced the very same thing especially all the emotions. They also need to be reminded that God is who they need to rely on and gain their strength from.
I know when I miscarried our twins I was mystified. I couldn't believe that I lost our little ones. It tool several months of tears and prayers and tons of anger. So much so that I refused to speak to God sometime after that for awhile. But several years later I went running to Him begging for His forgiveness because I was selfish and wrong. Because even though I needed our babies God needed them more. And I had to come to terms with that. I'm just glad that He has forgiven me and still loves me. Knowing that and the fact that we will see them again one day always makes me feel better.
**Disclosure** This book was provided to me for free through the Litfuse Blogger Group for my honest opinion.
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