About the Book:
In a time of unprecedented darkness and fear, Cornelia must decide if saving a stranger’s life is worth risking her own.
In the twilight of the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands, the Germans have taken everything Cornelia had to give, even what was most precious to her. Now Gerrit Laninga—a man who puts God and country above all else—arrives at her house, needing help. She is terrified for herself and terrified for her family, but most of all, terrified of the pain she might feel again if she allows herself to love Gerrit. Her hope is to be free from her paralyzing fear.
Gerrit is a known and hunted Dutch Resistance member. When he comes to Cornelia’s home for shelter, he’s drawn to her strength and kindness. When he asks her to contact the local Resistance on his behalf, she refuses. Gerrit is determined to find a way to continue his underground work without putting Cornelia or her family in harm’s way.
When things start to unravel and Gerrit’s life depends on her actions, she must summon her courage and learn to depend on the perfect love that drives out all fear. But will her new love be snatched away before it has a chance to bloom?
About the Author:
Liz Tolsma has lived in Wisconsin most of her life. She and her husband have a son and two daughters, all adopted internationally. When not busy putting words to paper, Liz enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping with her family.
My Review:
Gerrit is pushed along with all the others that have been arrested by the Nazis police. He tries to think of ways to get free but just figures they will just kill him anyway. The Nazis start lining each man up against a wall, knowing his end is near, he looks deeply into his captors eyes. And then shots are fired.
Cornelia hears the shots being fired and drops to the ground in remembrance of a day long ago. Her brother, after hearing the shots, wants to go and check out the casualties. But being the protective sister she is she wouldn't allow him out at such a dangerous time. As soon as her brother was upstairs again, she hears a soft knock at her door. She opens the door to an injured man. They ask him many things including his name. Finding out he had been one of the ones that were lined up they feel the need to help him. This man changes their outlook on everything. But is it for the good?
The setting of this book showcases a very violent and tumultuous time in history, one that is not quickly forgotten. The author made the time period and characters seem very real and at times heartbreaking. Knowing now what the Nazis did to the people of their country is a horror like no other.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Litfuse Publicity.
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