About the Book:
Joseph: Beyond the Coat of Many Colors is an interactive Bible study in the familiar Following God format that offers hope, encouragement, and practical answers to life's problems. As one of Jacob's twelve sons, Joseph is a blueprint for understanding blended families with broken and betrayed relationships. The study also serves as a leadership manual for churches and businesses; a handbook for employees and employers; a guidebook for resisting negative peer pressure and instituting moral purity, grace and forgiveness. Literally, it has something for everyone.
About the Author:
Mary Englund Murphy speaks at retreats, banquets, and special events. She is the author of the book Winning the Battle of the Bulge: It's Not Just about the Weight, endorsed by Dr. Kevin Lehman. Mary and her husband, Bill, make their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Bill pastors Calvary Bible Church.
My Review:
Like many characters out of the Bible these people were used as examples for how we should or should not live our lives. Joseph is a good example of this because he had so many things happen for him and to him, and out of those things much can be learned. But Joseph's ancestry plays a big role in how he lived and how he was raised and we can see that if we start at the beginning from Abraham on up to his father Jacob. If we remember correctly Issac, was the son of Abraham that Abraham was suppose to sacrifice but was stopped by an angel, he is Joseph's grandfather. So between all the things that happened with Abraham and on down the family line there is no doubt that God has His hand on this family from the very beginning.
Joseph, Beyond the Coat of Many Colors, is an excellent Bible study urging you to learn more about Joseph and forcing you to dig deeper to see true character and reverence to God. A reverence and respect that lasted generations to show us in these ends times how no matter what the costs if we just have faith in Him we can move mountains. The author takes you through day by day and shows you things about this mans life that were set in motion long before he was even born. Prophecies being fulfilled and prayers being answered.
She gives you background information and foot notes to refer back to, to further explain things about the different things mentioned in scripture. I really enjoyed the different translations and meanings of words from the Hebrew language. There are also many questions to answer or ponder as you read through the study that help with understanding the material. This is an eight week long study, that is very simple and easy to follow. I really enjoyed learning more about this man of God.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Bookfun.
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