Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Review: Growing Up God's Way For Boys by:Dr.s C. Richards/L. Jones

 Growing Up God's Way for Boys Book Cover
About the Book:
 Growing up God's way is a colorful, fully illustrated book available as separate versions for boys and girls. It is intended for children approaching or experiencing puberty, typically represented by the 10-14 years old age range. The artwork has been specially produced or the book and includes accurate biological drawings as well as 'cartoon' illustrations to keep the young reader interested. Most importantly of all, the Bible is the constant reference point, so that what the Bible has to say about the matters dealt with is always front and center. The result is that this book conveys essential biblical ethical teaching as well as the facts about puberty.

About the Authors:
Dr. Chris Richards is a Consultant Pediatrician in Newcastle upon Tyne. He is married and has four children. He is a deacon at Gateshead Presbyterian Church.

Dr. Liz Jones is a retired Community Pediatrician. She is married with three married daughters and seven grandchildren. With her husband, she attends Welbeck Road Evangelical Church, Newcastle upon Tyne.

My Review:
There will come a time in each child's life, as we all know, that they will experience changes that seem confusing and hard to understand. I know for me and my family, we try to keep our children focused on these changes Biblically, not just the physical side of all that they are experiencing. It's so hard for kids these days to not let the world in, and I know with our children this has been a daily struggle and worry. We are so afraid of the choices they will make based on the world they are living in. It is very sad that we should even have to worry about worldly influence.

 Lucky for us, that publishers and authors alike also see this and want to extend a hand to those parents with the same type of views that we have. Growing up God's Way for Boys, is a scripture based book based on these changes that our boys are experiencing, written by doctors--so it is also medically sound we can feel comfortable knowing that our boys are getting the right information, overall. Puberty is introduced as well as childbirth, marriage, and also how God had a plan for it all. This book is perfect for boys in any setting whether it be your own child, grand child, or children at church that are being reaching through different church ministries.

We are really blessed for having authors that recognize a need for our children and those around us to realize, know, and be taught that puberty and all that comes with it has a purpose bigger than ourselves. It is predestined by God and for God to live out His purpose and glorify Him. It is to prepare them for the plans He has for them, and that makes this momma's heart glad to know that I can give this book or read it with them and that light bulb will come on, and they will finally understand the "truth" behind it all.

**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Cross Focused Reviews.

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