About the Book:
Though Christians the world over make yearly preparations for Lent, there s a conspicuous lack of good books for that other great spiritual season: Advent. All the same, this four-week period leading up to Christmas is making a comeback as growing numbers reject shopping-mall frenzy and examine the deeper meaning of the season. Ecumenical in scope, these fifty devotions invite the reader to contemplate the great themes of Christmas and the significance that the coming of Jesus has for each of us not only during Advent, but every day. Whether dipped into at leisure or used on a daily basis, Watch for the Light gives the phrase holiday preparations new depth and meaning.
My Review:
A perfect book for the days leading up to Christmas day is, Watch For The Light:Readings for Advent and Christmas, a collection of essays written by some very prominent individuals in their day. These individuals lend their writings to us to help us concentrate on what matters most during the holiday season.
My favorite was the one entitled, Waiting On God. It was a perfect item to read based on the fact that my husband and I are waiting on some very important information for God right now--the possibility of moving in our future and the hope that He will give us a destination. While our final destination is yet to be determined from God, we wait. And the author of this essay explains how there are different types of waiting and how several people in the Bible if not all, spent a lot of time waiting--waiting on God.
Open ended is what waiting is suppose to be and it is suppose to be filled with hope not us determining our future or the outcome. God in all of His simplicity is still God of the complicated. Complicated in a way that we have yet to understand. Not that we can't but just that we just haven't yet. God can bring us great things, if we just wait on His goodness instead of determining what it should be. We our His children and He loves us more than we can even imagine--so our happiness becomes His as we see His will unfold in our lives. If you would like to learn more about this book, you can at this link.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Handlebar.
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