About the Book:
With a contrary attitude and an addiction for independence, Lillian Dove admits she has not been a success in life. In fact, she considers failing as one of her addictions. Yet, when she comes across a suspicious house fire with a history of arson and murder, she instinctively attempts to help someone trapped. Lillian becomes the only possible eyewitness to criminal arson, and her life begins to spiral out of control.
Lillian Dove is an endearing “every woman” struggling with life issues, emotional complexities and a habit of doing just the opposite of what she’s told to do. These qualities in a heroine give the reader an ability to vicariously struggle along with the protagonist in this intriguing Midwest Noir mystery.
About the Author:
D. J. Adamson is an award-winning author. Her family roots grow deep in the Midwest and it is here she sets much of her work. Admit to Mayhem is the first novel in her Lillian Dove Mystery Series. Diann juggles her time between her own desk and teaching writing to others at two Los Angeles area colleges. Along with her husband and two Welsh Terriers, she makes her home in Southern California.
My Review:
This story was a little hard to get into at first. I wasn't crazy about the main character but as I read on I was pulled into Lillian's story and I desperately wanted to help her. No one believed her when she suspected a person trapped in a burning house. It seems like a race against time. I felt so sorry for Lillian. The mystery seems to linger on until the end amidst the struggles of the main character. I didn't care much for the language but was able to overlook it as I read on. Admit to Mayhem, is a great mystery followed by a huge climax of intrigue! Lillian seems to discover that there is a some odd coincidences involving this house, hopefully she will get down to the bottom of this before it's too late.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Pump Up Your Book.
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