About the Book:
The world is marketing lifestyles that contradict the way that God has called us to live. Lying, selfishness, and justification of all types of sin are just a few lessons our youth are being sold. In All Mascara Is Not Created Equal, Jessica Landmon attempts to reach the hearts of young women, providing spiritual, practical, and humorous tips in short, "tweet-like" form to help them live the life that God would approve of.
My Review:
The author Jessica Landmon, offers us a very encouraging book strictly for other ladies that sort of gives you all life's lesson in one small gift-sized book. Each lesson was chosen as a way to teach her daughter about the lighter side of life and at the same hoping she will learn a thing or two. I seen many of the lessons I have already learned but being a woman of 40, of course I have. But this book however is a good guide to keeping some of these lessons close to your heart.
A few of the lessons from the book are, "Don't use tears to manipulate." "Don't stop to gossip, you are better than that." Some are based on God and His word and there are occasional scriptures listed. I really enjoyed the book, it was a short read but it holds many things that are to be learned by today's young ladies.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the publisher.
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