About the Book:
In this third title in the Faithgirlz Glimmer Girls series by Natalie Grant, Miracle in Music City, the Glimmer Girls are at it again—looking for a mystery to solve. Gloria wants her daughters to learn they aren’t too young to make a difference, so she gets them involved in her annual benefit and auction. But as things often do with the trio of smart and sassy sisters, they get themselves and their nanny Miss Julia involved in a lot more than just helping mom raise money for a worthy and wonderful cause.
My Review:
Natalie Grant has one it again with her third installment in the Faithgirlz Glimmer Girls series. This addition, takes us to Music City, USA. The girls know the importance of a good mystery being solved, so they waste no time getting back in the swing of things when they have to high tail it along with Miss Julia to get this one all figured out and under control.
I kept thinking the whole time as I was reading, I sure am glad for Miss Julia these girls can really find themselves in a pickle at times. So it is good to have an adult to be with them. Even though the girls can seem to come real close to danger they always seem to come out on top. With God as their leader they destined to be the victor!
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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