About the Book:
Nothing makes Joy Miller happier than sewing. And nothing makes Matthew Slagel, the bishop's son, happier than spending time with Joy.
With the rising popularity of the Me, Myself, and Pie shop run by Joy's eldest sister, Lovina, comes an increasing demand for souvenirs like aprons and dishtowels. Joy's handiwork soon catches the attention of a television crew preparing to film a new Amish TV series. While she is initially hired to sew the costumes, she finds herself becoming a consultant and fill-in for the main actress.
The bishop does not approve of Joy's involvement with the show—or his son's involvement with Joy. When he asks Matthew to stop seeing Joy, Matthew must make a decision—pursue happiness or follow the rules—unless he can find a way to reconcile those two sides of his faith.
When mounting tension threatens to rip the entire community apart, can an unexpected development stitch them back together?
Inspiration, romance, and creativity abound in Sewn with Joy, the third and final installment in The Pinecraft Pie Shop series.
My Review:
Sewing is such a great hobby. I love doing it when I have the free time. My mom did it and loved it, as well. And I had two grandmothers that loved it too. Had to review this book based on all the sewing sisters in my family. Joy Miller the main character in the book enjoys it too. I can so see why she does. Amazing hobby that is the best hobby in the world.
Joy is working for Lovina and everyone can see the talent this young woman has and they are all rushing to buy up all her makes. But one major situation that has crossed Joy's path lately was the interest of a television crew that was in town filming for a new Amish television series. They want to hire Joy on to sew the costumes for everyone on set. But before long Joy finds herself doing more for the crew than initially planned and while that sits right with her, not everyone agrees.
Matthew, Joy's love interest just loves being in the presence of his love but his father, the bishop does not approve of Joys involvement with the television crew and he makes his disagreement with it know, known very well to Matthew. Poor Matthew is stuck in between a rock and a hard place when his father, the Bishop forces him to make a decision. Sewn With joy is about two people doing everything right and still being misunderstood. Will their love last through this or will this be enough to tear them apart?
**Disclosure**This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from the author.
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