About the Book:
Most married couples know how it goes. You start out in the throes of passionate romance only to have the fire cool over the years--especially when kids come along or life gets too busy. But keeping the romance alive is easier than most people think. Now the author of "Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half "shares the secrets of pursuing romance that won't quit.
With wit and wisdom, Rick Johnson shows men and women how to communicate effectively with their spouses, recapture the feeling of young love, incorporate romance and intimacy into everyday life, understand each others unique sexual needs, and more. Anyone who has been married more than a couple of years will find useful insights and solid advice that will strengthen their marriage now and into the future.
About the Author:
Rick Johnson is a bestselling author of That's My Son; That's My Teenage Son; That's My Girl; Better Dads, Stronger Sons; and Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half. He is the founder of Better Dads and is a sought-after speaker at many large parenting and marriage conferences across the United States and Canada. Rick, his wife, Suzanne, and their grown children live in Oregon.
My Review:
For over twenty years now, I have been married to my sweetheart. And as time as went on loving him has actually always been a natural thing to do, but wanting to love him or even like him, well lets just say--not so easy sometimes. We dedicated our lives to our children and I hear this is where we went wrong. It's okay for them to be your primary focus, just don't take your eyes off the one thing that brought you together and created that family to begin with. The fire definitely starts to fizzle over time.
Romancing Your Better Half, is a self help guide to getting that love back. This book is for both the woman and man side of things. The author tries to change your mindset into getting your marriage on the right track and keeping it there for a long term payoff. Both spouses HAVE to be committed to this or it will never work. The author does an excellent job of showing the differences in the way a woman thinks as opposed to how a man thinks. I really believe this is the key to happiness in marriage. I enjoyed the book the most because of the intimacy building tips included at the end of each chapter.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Revell
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